Heaven and War

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the heavens, there existed an entity named Mystura, the embodiment of perfect balance and creation itself. Mystura, though formless, desired representations of her essence. With her immense power, she birthed two beings: Raara and Daada.


Daada, the seeker of perfection, sort out beauty and goodness, and Raara, the embodiment of perfect evil; its shadow. Mystura hoped they would live harmoniously, integrating their opposing natures. As Raara and Daada ventured through the cosmos, they found that everything naturally gravitated toward Dada for her goodness as instinctively most things run away from their shadow instead of integrating both. This caused animosity between them.

With Raara becoming envious and Dada unaware of the growing discord, eventually, their differences overshadowed Mystura’s intentions, causing them to drift apart and explore the universe separately.

Mystura could only watch as her children struggle within and between themselves because she did not possess a tangible form. With her powers greatly depleted from creating the twins, she decided to raise three guides that would help her children find their way back to each other. Little did Mystura know that this decision was what would trigger the very chain of events she was so desperately trying to avoid...


One day, Raara discovered a planet teeming with potential and desired to claim it as hers, fueled by excitement she hadn't felt in ages. Word of Raara’s new found interest spread, catching Daada's attention. Also intrigued by the planet, Daada felt compelled to protect it from Raara, she felt Raara would taint Lukukul and it would be better with her instead.

Mystura saw this mutual interest in Lukukul as a chance to reconcile her children and dispatched the three guides to facilitate peace. The guides suggested that they both share custody over the planet by placing some of their essence in a celestial vessel and merging it with the essence of Planet Lukukul as a sign of good faith that they both had equal rights over the planet. Raara and Daada initially resisted, but eventually agreed.

All was good for eons, but tensions rose again as Mystura foresaw impending conflict. She concealed the vessel to prevent her children's corruption, inadvertently triggering the war she sought to prevent. Fearing the corrupting influence of the vessel, she concealed it somewhere within herself without the knowledge of her children.

Noticing the vessel was missing and immediately assuming this was Raara’s doing, Daada confronted Raara and chaos ensued. There was no reasoning, only conflict, and this misunderstanding marked the beginning of the very celestial battle Mystura had tried so desperately to avoid.

In a bid to restore peace, Mystura secretly dispatched her guides to retrieve the vessel, setting off a series of events that would shake the very foundation of the heavens. They traced the signals of the vessel to a planet in the Milky way galaxy called 'Earth' seated in the tranquil sanctuary of Eden.

Go to Part Two